Want to write with us?
Then you're in the right place! At Vertical Editions, we're always on the lookout for new authors. Our owner Danny Hall started out writing books under our brand as an author (you can see his works in our STORE) before taking the Vertical reins in 2019!
We consider book ideas – biographies, autobiographies, illustrated histories, club histories and events and much, much more – from all areas of sport.
Our authors come from very different backgrounds. Some are professional athletes, others are journalists but many are simply enthusiastic fans who have an interesting idea and can write a good story others will enjoy reading.
If you believe you have a good idea for a book, please send a proposal for us to consider. Your proposal should contain:
- A description of the book's subject matter and content.
- Your anticipated word count for the entire book.
- Details of any photographs and illustrations you have that can be used in the book.
- Details of any books or material you have had published previously (if this is your first book, please include a sample chapter)